Brute force is the best hacking method as chances of getting password is very high.
The methods is very simple . But this method is cumbersome. Still most hacking software use this method due to high success rate .
This is how you do it. All that u need is the username and findout what is the max password length the software/site allows and also the minimum. say the minimum is 6 and max is 8. You have to start trying out all the combination.First all the six letter combos then seven then 8
Now once you do for 6 repeate the same for 7 and then for 8 . You will surely crack it.But the no of combos you need to try is very high.So in most cases you cannot use it but designed software do the job in few minutes. Check crack passwords section for such softwares to crack your software/site. This is best used to recover passwords of mobile phone . If use them for hacking it's crime.
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